Multiple Services
Kitex supports multiple service registration on a server.
Note: currently, the feature is only available for gRPC transport protocol.
gRPC service definition
For instance, suppose you have two proto files as follows, each containing one service. By running the kitex command, you can automatically generate the code.
// File1:servicea.proto
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "myservice";
package myservice;
service ServiceA {
rpc EchoA (stream RequestA) returns (stream ReplyA) {}
message RequestA {
message ReplyA {
// File2:serviceb.proto
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "myservice";
package myservice;
service ServiceB {
rpc EchoB (stream RequestB) returns (stream ReplyB) {}
message RequestB {
message ReplyB {
Register multi-service on a server
Registering services on a server is a straightforward process.
First, create a server. Then, by calling the RegisterService
function on that server, a service can be registered.
Multiple services can be called on the same server, registering as many services as needed.
package main
import (
servicea "your_servicea_kitex_gen_path"
serviceb "your_serviceb_kitex_gen_path"
func main() {
// create a server by calling server.NewServer
svr := server.NewServer(your_server_option)
// register multi-service on a server
err := svr.RegisterService(servicea.NewServiceInfo(), new(ServiceAImpl))
err := svr.RegisterService(serviceb.NewServiceInfo(), new(ServiceBImpl))
err := svr.Run()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("%s", err.Error())
Last modified
January 9, 2024
: docs: update access log option (#920) (e701a6d)